8.1 Preliminary
General Engineering's assignment
doesn't foreseen any design of the temporary structures of the bridge
including the centering; therefore no specification and no design for the
above mentioned works will be given. Nevertheless some opinions and
warnings are here next reported to be of help for future developments of
the work. But it has to be clearly stressed that these notes shouldn't be
of any constraint and of any impediment for the future developing of the
work: General Engineering may be not considered, in any way, responsible
of any of the following observations and of any of the works which are not
foreseen to be designed by GE according to the assignment.
8.2 Topographic
A topographic survey should be held, (by the Company in
charge of the works), in order to verify and confirm the position of the
arch springer levels and of the pedestrian flooring levels, being those
co-ordinates related to the matching of all the design project, (matching
of new interventions with the still existing portions of the abutments).
Co-ordinates should be communicated to General Engineering and any
eventual incoherence will be checked and analysed. After this check is
completed, the Company in charge of the rehabilitation work will accept
those measures and co-ordinates as reliable and will not be allowed to
complain about any incoherence pertaining matching of ancient and new
interventions in the bridge span.
Centering and deck design
Being the former bridge
arch intrados of an irregular shape, and being the final stone cut,
(SC-final: see chapter 7 of this report), quite undertaking, it is
advisable to use for the bridge reconstruction:
- a load bearing centering regularly
shaped and smaller than the final arch;
- a wooden deck to be superposed to the
centering to fit the former curvature.
In order to perform the
bridge reconstruction works correctly, in respect of the geometry
requisites, it is suggested to provide a detailed design of the load
bearing centering and of its foundations, being those temporary structures
structurally and architecturally remarkable. It is also suggested that the
design of the wooden deck and of its shape and dimensions is provided in
co-ordination with the design of the load bearing centering, being these
two elements strictly linked one to each other and linked to evaluations
of dead loads actions, settlings and geometry requisites.
8. 4
Arch centering
Arch centering has been
hypothesised to be composed of five parallel structures outdistanced of
about a meter and placed on to hydraulic jacks for position adjusting.
In the following paragraph
(§8.4.1), some other observations have been given by the structural
design team (Department of Civil Engineer - University of Florence) Prof.
Eng. Andrea Vignoli.
Other general observation
about geometry are given in paragraph §8.4.2 by the architectural design
in order to respect geometry requisites.
8.4 .1
Arch centering: structural observation
Arch centering will be a
special structural scaffolding, and since it will not bear only its own
weight but also the voussoirs weight, it will need to be structurally
designed with calculations of it. And the scaffolding will be subjected to
deformations due to different working phases and related loads: if a very
stiff centering is used, the form of the arch centering, (plus superposed
deck), can be adopted equal to the one of former bridge vault.
The use of a traditional
centering is proposed, as shown in figure 1. Under the dead weight of the
voussoirs, the centering exhibits a vertical deflection. Therefore a
regular shape of the centering may be designed to follow approximately the
ancient shape of the arch, at a predefined distance from the intrados. The
deformation is partly due to the elastic deformation of the centering,
(which can be predicted easily and limited increasing the rigidity of the
centering), and partly to the long and short time deformations of the soil
at the springers, (which are difficult to predict). The elastic
deformation of the centering should be limited to not more than 5 mm and
the deformed shape should be approximately homotetic to the original
At each springer an
oleodynamic jack should be placed under the foot of the centering to
recover eventual soil settlements and to allow dismantling of the

Fig. 01 – Traditional centering scheme.
To assure the stability of the arch during the phases
of installation of the spandrels, especially against eventual asymmetrical
load conditions, it is suggested to maintain the centering during the
construction of the whole bridge. It is suggested to dismantle the
centering after the completion of all the works with the exception of the
pavements and the parapets. The paving and the parapets will be mounted
only after the dismantling of the centering to avoid their damage due to
unexpected deflections, especially at the bridge springers.
8.4. 2
Arch centering: geometrical rquisites
The shape of the centering needs to be carefully
evaluated since it should match different requisites at the same time, and
the following observations may be underlined:
- the arch intrados is not close to a round arch but more to a
basket-handle arch;
- usually, regular shaped load bearing structures, are more desirable;
- load bearing centering, if smaller than the bridge arch, would allow
deck superstructure insertion;
- the less centering obstructs the area over the river the better it
- arch centering settlings should be carefully foreseen.
The arch false work, (centering), should have on its
profiles some reference marks that may allow the positioning in foreseen
spots that should be planned according to bridge shape as represented in
GE final design. This way the adjusting of the final position of south and
north centering will be managed trough a monitoring by instrumental
survey, while centerings in between may be adjusted accordingly to the
outer ones.
8. 5
Wooden deck superstructure
As before mentioned, it is required, to re-perform the
bridge irregular profile and maintain the former geometry, a sort of
wooden deck to be superposed to the regular profile of the load bearing
centering. This device should be designed to bear the loads of the arch
voussoirs, and may be used also in the phase of the stone final cut,
(refer to chapter 7 of this report), to allow an easier, more accurate and
off-site cut. Advantages of the proposed devices are the following:
- accurate performing of the geometry;
- easier dimensioning and joint matching for stone final cut;
- easier assembling on-site;
- stone final cut off-site and quick assembling on-site;
- regular shaped load bearing centering.

fig.02 – intrados profile marking for wooden deck: ins:
survey instrumentation – pln: planar ground surface with
reference grid – ref: reference marks for intrados curvature – wdn:
wooden planks to be shaped following the intrados profile
Sketches of the wooden deck have been reported in
chapter 7 of this report, and any similar configuration may work
efficiently for the purpose. Basically the deck should be built by
carpenters and co-ordinated with the use of survey instrumentation as here
next explained:
The arch intrados curvature should be marked wholly in real scale
over a planar surface with the aid of survey instrumentation and of a
grid of reference points.
Co-ordinates are provided by design charts and drawings.
Once the arch intrados is marked point by point, wooden planks may
be cut following the profile on the ground. Planks should be enough to
cover the whole length of the curvature.
The above procedure should be repeated as many times as necessary to
have a number of planks enough to make a beam, (as foreseen by
design), and by shifting their joints.
The above procedure should be repeated for both elevations.
Wooden deck may be designed to be subdivided in sectors (presumably 8-12).
Other details proposed for the wooden deck may be found in chapter 7
of this report.
It is advisable to carefully evaluate the need of
having two identical wooden decks, (twin decks), since during the stone
final cut, the decks get easily ruined and it may be necessary to have a
different deck to be superposed to the load bearing centering. If special
devices are adopted, it may be possible to use only one deck, for saving
economical resources, but on-site tests are required.
The wooden deck should have on its profiles some reference marks that
may allow the positioning in foreseen spots that should be planned
according to bridge shape as represented in GE final design. This way the
adjusting of the final position of south and north deck will be managed
trough a monitoring by instrumental survey. Special accuracy should be
reserved to the joint among adjacent sectors of the wooden deck, in order
that no discontinuity arises in the intrados curvature profile.